Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Inspiration from Packaged Products

Inspirations can result in many different products of my life.  As I enjoyed my fall break, I took it upon myself to take pictures of products that has inspiring pieces of packaging and typography.  The following pictures are Point and Shoot style photography from my cellphone.  With the basic understand that these are P&S pics please note the inspiration in design. 

Asian Culture is an inspiration for many, but I've taken these shots because when unfolded this is cardboard cut out/die cut. With these die cuts this has been transformed in to a bowl in which you can eat your spicy chicken and sauce out of.

Framboise Lambic has two flavors of there malt liquor.  This is a beer that can be appealing to woman. With its vines running around the logo this bottle is given the since of a wine.  Again note this bottle looks like wine taste like wine but is a elegant beer sold with a logo that inspires an old presence.  I love how they imprinted there logo in to the neck of the bottle.

The black theme...

Here you notice the documentation.  Very tightly priced together in one solid box.
The discs are packaged separately to fit correctly in side of the box.

Logic Pro 8 - 
This is an older software that is usually only obtained by Professional Producers and artist alike in order to have a vast amount of sounds. I am highly inspired by how the designers packaged this box.  It weights about 10lbs because it comes with a vast amount of books and instructional guides in order to obtain the needs of the producer.  This simple logo makes Apple stand out among its competitors.  Looking professional in every way yet keeping it highly appealing with open space.  This case, the box is all black theme.

MacBook Pro - After buying my macbook pro, I notices a handle. I found this to be very business themed. In some cases you could look at this as a briefcase.  I found this to be very cool and quite useful when caring for you new MacbookPro.  Inside the theme is continued to be white.  The white space again brings a theme of clean and beautiful.   The designers use the same concepts of the Logic Pro Box but with the reversal theme.  This could have been switched from then to now.  

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Variable Data Project - Direct Mail

I figured it would be easier for you to view this via pdf.  Here is the link.  http://www.divshare.com/download/16023776-9aa

After downloading this you will notice the Target audience was High school students interested in computers.  Graphic Design Vs. Computer Science Students.  This is to explain the importance of a computer when going to college.  Students graduating from high school wanting to go into Graphic Design will be giving an special offer for a mac.  Students graduating from high school interested in computer science will be giving a special offer for a pc.
The Variable Data Project is my 5th direct VD project of its kind.  If the names that are in (parentheses), this indicates that the Name(s) will be a variable.  They will change each time with each name personalized.   The addresses are also in (parentheses) because they will also change to the address of the individual.

QR Code For Notepad

The Following QR code attachment on my notepad is used to display my graphic design skills in the modern age.  QR codes are used in every application of today's print to draw the interested customer to the the digital side of the company.  This can be very important because today is about being connected in the closes possible way.  This is a business practice that is very valuable to any company trying to draw in customers.