Thursday, December 8, 2011

Final Project - Aerospace Program "Internship" with EET

Currently finishing up an internship with Electronics Engineering Technology @ Pittsburg State University. My label is considered Multimedia Marketing Manager and a NASA KANSAS scholar. My goals (as well as the advisers), for this years project consider upgrading the departments recruitment process. Blog Pages that double as websites, facebook setup, memos/business cards, posters, and video's are just some of what I did this year with EET.
Coming to a close with EET, I've realized running a multimedia campaign is a very difficult, but even more a challenging task. For my last project with EET and Digital File Prep, I decided to do an exotic folds piece that no once could replicate. (an all original layout). Although the budget was low I managed to come up with some 90lb (light paper) metallic paper that will print both front and back. The original folds would have cost $230 just for the scoring process (customized scoring die cut). So we decided to just focus all our resources on getting great paper stock and making it flashy. On the inside, which is page two, has an overview of the programs inside of EET. Each print should roughly cost $0.25 a print. At $1000 thats $2500 plus the $230 for the die cut. $2730 is the total. This time around we decided to order only 300 units. Totally $75 for the final project. The Aerospace program is rapidly going threw the funds of NASAinKansas and I feel this design may bring more great jobs and more students to Pitt in the future.

The Design will be printed on big 20X17 and cut down to 8.5X11 for cost effectiveness reasons. Fold marks are indicated on the inside of the design so someone could figure out how to fold the design backup. This business card with the overview of the program should really simulate growth threw out the department with the built in QR code on the under belly of the airplane. is where the qr code is linked to. This is another project I finished for them this year and dearly love the opportunity to show off my design ides.

Here is my PDF - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED to Shawn Brandt and Electronics Engineering Technology.

Magizine Ad - The Music Is Alive

With intent of promoting DJ Bigdad, I used this Magazine Ad proposal to promote the inter-workings of producing music and selling the tracks. After knowing my target audience of underground rappers/song writers, I started to develop the street art design. It has been important to me as a designer to be able to design with more designs than that of street art. Professional pieces as well as elaborate folds are what I like best when developing your own pieces.

This design is an inspired Ad from one I had seen in XXL magazine. There magazine page sizes are 10.5 X 8in. The bleed is .125in which seems to be fairly normal with XXL. The Idea was about someone having the ability to scan a QR Code and bring up all an artist's work. In the case with DJ Bigdad, someone could download and listen to mix shows, download free full albums and mashups, as well as buy exclusive tracks all from the connection of the qr code.

The Custom QR Code was designed in a way DJ Bigdad could still be read and applied. This is the future for QR Codes and people starting to use them more and more all the time.

I shot the pictures in my Photography Class with the help of other students. This picture is call light painting and can be done by keeping your shutter open while drawing a design.

I Call this Project - "The Music is Alive"

ENJOY some of my beautiful street art!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Collegeo Ad for Digital File Prep

After getting some advice from Christal Benson, (instructor)  I decided to alter my design in away that could better portray my recent needs.  If this were to have been published for real, it would have costed $161.  Our fantasy budget was 200.  I have been doing my own promotions for DJ Bigdad for 6 years or so. I felt it was only proper that I do a B&W collegeo ad.

My play on words and use of unique style of bordering makes this piece come together.  I focused on making the border look like a piece of caution tape.  As a whole I really like this piece because with smart phones you can stream or download the entire Ramdom Thoughts podcast directly to your phone via the QR Code.  Ive done some testing on this and found out that Apple and Android Products will make it more convenient to download or stream the entire podcast directly to your phone.   In return the call to action is websites as well as the QR Code.  I really feel like this will help users from around the world, to subscribe to one of the biggest mashups podcast out there.  Also getting larger amount of exposer for DJ Bigdad.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Inspiration from Packaged Products

Inspirations can result in many different products of my life.  As I enjoyed my fall break, I took it upon myself to take pictures of products that has inspiring pieces of packaging and typography.  The following pictures are Point and Shoot style photography from my cellphone.  With the basic understand that these are P&S pics please note the inspiration in design. 

Asian Culture is an inspiration for many, but I've taken these shots because when unfolded this is cardboard cut out/die cut. With these die cuts this has been transformed in to a bowl in which you can eat your spicy chicken and sauce out of.

Framboise Lambic has two flavors of there malt liquor.  This is a beer that can be appealing to woman. With its vines running around the logo this bottle is given the since of a wine.  Again note this bottle looks like wine taste like wine but is a elegant beer sold with a logo that inspires an old presence.  I love how they imprinted there logo in to the neck of the bottle.

The black theme...

Here you notice the documentation.  Very tightly priced together in one solid box.
The discs are packaged separately to fit correctly in side of the box.

Logic Pro 8 - 
This is an older software that is usually only obtained by Professional Producers and artist alike in order to have a vast amount of sounds. I am highly inspired by how the designers packaged this box.  It weights about 10lbs because it comes with a vast amount of books and instructional guides in order to obtain the needs of the producer.  This simple logo makes Apple stand out among its competitors.  Looking professional in every way yet keeping it highly appealing with open space.  This case, the box is all black theme.

MacBook Pro - After buying my macbook pro, I notices a handle. I found this to be very business themed. In some cases you could look at this as a briefcase.  I found this to be very cool and quite useful when caring for you new MacbookPro.  Inside the theme is continued to be white.  The white space again brings a theme of clean and beautiful.   The designers use the same concepts of the Logic Pro Box but with the reversal theme.  This could have been switched from then to now.  

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Variable Data Project - Direct Mail

I figured it would be easier for you to view this via pdf.  Here is the link.

After downloading this you will notice the Target audience was High school students interested in computers.  Graphic Design Vs. Computer Science Students.  This is to explain the importance of a computer when going to college.  Students graduating from high school wanting to go into Graphic Design will be giving an special offer for a mac.  Students graduating from high school interested in computer science will be giving a special offer for a pc.
The Variable Data Project is my 5th direct VD project of its kind.  If the names that are in (parentheses), this indicates that the Name(s) will be a variable.  They will change each time with each name personalized.   The addresses are also in (parentheses) because they will also change to the address of the individual.

QR Code For Notepad

The Following QR code attachment on my notepad is used to display my graphic design skills in the modern age.  QR codes are used in every application of today's print to draw the interested customer to the the digital side of the company.  This can be very important because today is about being connected in the closes possible way.  This is a business practice that is very valuable to any company trying to draw in customers.

Friday, September 23, 2011

NotePad Design

A Notepad Designed in a more Professional look than my normal style of Street art.  This is my second attempt at the design.  The first was lost on a flash drive. Overall, I felt like this version gave me a chance to redesign somethings.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Business Card Remake - Digital File Prep

The Business Card was created with both Adobe Illustrator and InDesign in mind.  Using a common feel I developed the entire design in Helvetica. I used a 1/8 bleed with this project and also focused on making it look relaxed yet still has a professional feel.  After seeing what design of template we were trying to focus for, i decided to make my Vector Image In illustrator and then import it into In Design.  I put a tint of 47% on the Pantone Coated Color 801C as the background color for the front.  Then Using the same color at 100% I created the logo in Illustrator.  I then made a duplicate of the logo and shifted it in a way to make it look like a hard drop shadow. The fold marks are intended to be folded at 3 7/8in to have the back show when its folded. 

For the back/inside,  I took the same logo and made it into a gray scale image and continued to put information regrading my DJ/Entertainment Business.  I always notice people using the [strait brackets} to put focus on the entertainment company and wanted to do something similar but {different.}   I really had fun with this design and can't wait to see how it turned out!~

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Attention Graphic Design Students!!!

I wanted to do a post on here about how to get a great looking banner with links even attached to them! I used photoshop to create a great banner of the desired size.  (coming from  then i logged in to with Facebook or how ever you'd like.  Then you will notice add a banner at the top of the page.  This is a great tool for making your Blog Sick!  Ive used these before with any HTML application and it seems to work for multiple ideas.  I used mine in order to director potential interest to design work I've done in the past.

So Step 1.  Know what banner size you want
Step 2.  make the design in photoshop.
step 3. upload you JPEG to via NEW BANNER button at the top with correct size.  (note you can create your own custom size but keep in mind 13in standard for most user)
Step4. Get to work on designing.  It will pop out a HTML code that you can implement in to your Design page on your blog.

This is a general understanding of how to get started.  Its very easy to pick up and understand if you have done something similar to it before.  Don't be afraid to ask me if you have any question ill help out.  BTW this is a Great Flash Tool and makes your Blog look more professional.

Have fun!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Chapter 1 & 2: First Assignment

Chapter One - "Life Cycle of a Print Job"
  • The Responsibilities of a designer has changed over the past 25 years.  Designers were more hands on using hand drawings and pen and ink to do there jobs.  Production Artist would have to cut out there photo print and glue it down using wax or rubber cement to a piece of thick illustration board.  It was a much more physical day than present day.  

  • The Following are Salary Caps for the following positions:
  • Imposition
    • The action of arranging the product multiple times on a page in order to get the most out of the paper.  Example would be a 8 up business cards.
  • RIP
    • Raster Image Processor - the process that converts from a design to the printer.
  • Trapping
    • When the printer is printing two colors next to each other.  What you don't want is to have two white color coming threw. Sometimes a stroke is used in order to avoid this all together.
  • Die Cutting
    • The Process of cutting irregular shapes on a piece in order to get a different style of cut. Instead of just strait, you could have rounded edges.  But remember to know you bleeds.
Chapter 2 - Ink on Paper
  • Halftone Dots
    • Lined out Shapes, circles that simulate gray scaled tones. (square, round and optical)
      • The following is an example of halftone.

  • DPI
    • Dots Per Inch - How many dots are in one inch of a design. The more dots that appear per inch is a better quality design.
  • LPI
    • Lines Per Inch - the design will be come shaper with more lines per inch of the design.  Reminder when using thickness of the paper.  If you have to many LPI it will absorb in to the paper.
      • The following is a diagram of Lines per Inch

  • PPI
    • Pixels Per Inch or points per inch - This is the amount of pixels/points that can be put in to one inch. The higher the number the better quality of the image. If a image is scaled up it back become distorted because the Pixels are being expanded.  Some images are better small that to be blown up.
  • CMYK vs. RGB
    • CMYK -
      • The process colors of most printing machines. Cyan Magenta, Yellow and Black. These colors can be used in different combinations to create new wide range of colors.
    • RGB -
      • The Colors Red, Green, and Blue Reflected on to a computer monitor.  They use PPI as a rule of thumb for determining how defined the pixels are. 
  • Color Management
    • This refers to matching colors wether it maybe be on a monitor with RGB or on a Printed page with CMYK.  It is the designers job to make sure they are using the correct ICC profile on there computer to make sure their screen is showing the correct color.  They must also keep in mind the pantone matching system.  When selecting colors the designer should grab the Pantone book to find the correct color that they want.  Once they find the color they want they put the number in to there design software with the pantone number. They can then know that that is the color they choose and the design is going to come out to the color that they wanted.
  • Spot Colors
    • Some times while looking for a CMYK/Pantone color you won't get exactly the color you want.  In return, CMYK will not always have the exact color you desire.  This is when you talk with the processor of the job and tell them you have a spot color.  For example, metallic colors are often used with spot colors.  These colors can't be created with CMYK but are colors that are on hand and are specially made for the job.
  • Registration
    • This is the layers of the printer missing there correct alignment.  It can be noticed when trapping is used and a misalignment will become present.  This will make you designed piece very unprofessional and cause your work to look thrown together.  It may also cost you money and time