With intent of promoting DJ Bigdad, I used this Magazine Ad proposal to promote the inter-workings of producing music and selling the tracks. After knowing my target audience of underground rappers/song writers, I started to develop the street art design. It has been important to me as a designer to be able to design with more designs than that of street art. Professional pieces as well as elaborate folds are what I like best when developing your own pieces.
This design is an inspired Ad from one I had seen in XXL magazine. There magazine page sizes are 10.5 X 8in. The bleed is .125in which seems to be fairly normal with XXL. The Idea was about someone having the ability to scan a QR Code and bring up all an artist's work. In the case with DJ Bigdad, someone could download and listen to mix shows, download free full albums and mashups, as well as buy exclusive tracks all from the connection of the qr code.
The Custom QR Code was designed in a way DJ Bigdad could still be read and applied. This is the future for QR Codes and people starting to use them more and more all the time.
I shot the pictures in my Photography Class with the help of other students. This picture is call light painting and can be done by keeping your shutter open while drawing a design.
I Call this Project - "The Music is Alive"
ENJOY some of my beautiful street art!
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